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20 May


Manuel Aires Mateus


Manuel Aires Mateus was born in Lisbon in 1963 and graduated from “Faculdade de Arquitectura / U.T.L” in 1986. He started collaborating with the Arch. Gonçalo Byrne in 1983 and started developing projects with his brother Francisco in 1988. The office Aires Mateus was then established independently by the two brothers although it was housed in Gonçalo Byrne’s studio in the first years. The increasing scale of work made them establish a larger and autonomous space to fulfil the demands. Since then the scale and the amount of projects has been prolific, resulting in several national and international awards. The visibility of their work has made them being invited and accepting lecturing and teaching at several institutions. Among these are the Graduate School of Design in Harvard, The Accademia di Architetura in Mendrízio as well as several others in Portugal. The structure right now spans through two studios both based in Lisbon, having several partnerships with local studios for international works.

21 May








José António Bandeirinha


Architect, graduated in Escola Superior de Belas-Artes of Porto (1983), associate professor in Department of Architecture from Science and Technology Faculty of Coimbra University, where he did a PhD in 2002 entitled The SAAL process and the architecture in April 25th 1974.
Having as main reference architecture and space organization, he has been devoting his work to diverse subjects — city, housing, theatre, culture.
He is a senior researcher in Centre of Social Studies, coordinator of Cities, Cultures and Architecture research group.
He was President of the Department of Architecture of the University of Coimbra and Pro-rector for Cultural Issues.
He was Director of the College of Arts of the University of Coimbra.

Between others has published:

  • O Processo SAAL e a Arquitectura no 25 de Abril de 1974. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 2014.

  • The SAAL Process Architecture and Participation 1974-1976. Porto: Fundação de Serralves, 2014.

  • Fernando Távora Modernidade Permanente Permanent Modernity. Porto: Casa da Arquitectura, 2012.

  • Quinas Vivas. Memória Descritiva do conflito entre fazer moderno e fazer nacional na Arquitectura portuguesa dos anos 40. Porto: FAUP Publicações, 1996.



Margarida Acciaiuoli


Full Professor at the Art History Department of Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She is the coordinator of the Contemporary Art History section – and has been, between Master and PhD levels, responsible for the supervision of 88 thesis.
She has a PhD in Contemporary Art (1991) from FCSH-UNL.
She curated the exhibitions Almada Negreiros – Exposição Retrospectiva (CAM-FCG, 1984), Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso (Europália – Museu de Arte Moderna de Bruxelas, 1991) and KWY. Paris 1958-1968 (CCB, 2001).
She is the author of a diverse bibliography, having published, between other titles:

  • Exposições do Estado Novo. 1934-1940, Livros Horizonte, 1998;

  • Os Cinemas de Lisboa, Bizâncio, 2012;

  • António Ferro – A Vertigem da Palabra, Bizâncio, 2013.



Architect by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1966).  Master in Urban Planning and Architecture by the University of Pennsylvania (1977) and PhD in Architectural and Urban Design by the University of Paris VIII (2002).  He is Full Professor and Coordinator of Research and Post-graduate Studies in Architecture (2005-2008) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.  Coordinator of DOCOMOMO (RS, Brasil, 2005-2007, and 2012), and DOCOMOMO-Brasil (2008-2011).

Deputy representative of CAPES (2005-2007).  Member of editorial board of several reviews (Arqtexto-UFRGS, Arcos -ESDI/UERJ, Arquitextos- Vitruvius e Architectural Research Quarterly -Cambridge University.  Member of CICA (International Committee of Architectural Critics).

He is the curator exhibition of "Latin America in Construction. Architecture 1955-1980," (2015), in the MOMA (Museum of Modern Art, New York).

Has published widely, mainly on modern architecture and urbanism in Brasil, amongt which:

  • La Casa Moderna Latinoamericana

  • Le Corbusier y Suramérica

  • Solid states: concrete in transition

  • Cruelty and Utopia: landscapes and cities of Latin America

  • Transculturation: cities, spaces and architectures of Latin America

  • Le Corbusier. An Atlas of Modern Landscapes

  • Latin America in construction. Architecture 1966-1980

22 May








Rui Leão


Architect located in Macao. In parallel to his Architectural practice he is a visiting professor at the HKU SPACE Architecture program and a visiting lecturer at USJ and USP (University of S. Paulo, Brasil). He has writings on Architecture and Design in Macau, and is a corresponding editor for JA (Jornal dos Arquitectos, Lisbon, OA). From 2001 to 2006 he was editor of AM (Arquitectura Macau) published by AAM (Macau Architects Association). He is the recipient of the Arcasia Gold Medal for Architecture 2006, and the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards.  His Architectural Work has been widely published internationally (AD – Architectural Design of London, INTERNI, Arquitectura & Vida). His Design, Architecture and Urban Design works have been exhibited in the Salone Satellitte of Milan’s Salone del Mobile, Experimenta Design / Lisbon Biennale, IDExpo, Concepta, Trienal de Arquitecura (Lisboa), Habitar Portugal 2005, 10th Mostra Internazionale di Architectura of the Biennale di Venezia and at the 7th Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de São Paulo.
He is a past chairperson of the Arcasia Committee for Architectural Education and is currently Vice-President of CIALP (International Council of Portuguese Speaking Architects), Vice-President of the Architects Association of Macau and the nominated member of the Urban Planning Committee (CPU) of the Macau Government. Currently conducts research for PhD in the RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) on Architecture and Urbanism.


Rui Ramos


Rui Jorge Garcia Ramos (1961) is an Architect and  Associate Professor with Habilitation lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP). He is currently engaged in the Integrated Master’s Degree course (MIARQ) and in the Ph.D. Programme in Architecture (PDA).
He presented his PhD dissertation in Architecture (2005) with the title «The Bourgeois Single-Family Dwelling in Portuguese Architecture: change and continuity in the domestic space in the first half of the 20th century». He is a researcher at the Study Centre of Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) in the working group "Atlas da Casa", financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). His research interests include: the house; living spaces and lifestyles; culture and housing; architecture and identity in 20th-century Portugal. He is a regular participant in courses, conferences and workshops, both in Portugal and abroad.
He is a member of the Governing Board of the Architect José Marques da Silva Foundation (FIMS) and the Scientific Committee of FAUP and is Director of the PhD Program in Architecture (PDA) of FAUP, e vice-dean of University of Porto.


  • Leituras de Marques da Silva. Reexaminar a modernidade no início do século XXI: arquitectura, cidade, historia, sociedade, ciência, cultura. Fundação Instituto Arquitecto José Marques da Silva, 2011.

  • A Casa: Arquitectura e projecto doméstico na primeira metade do século XX português. Porto, 2010.



Psychologist, PhD in Sociology, and entitled to direct researches (HDR).

Professeur at the the Paris-Malaquais School of Architecture, she is director of the Architecture, Culture et Société research unit (part of UMR/AUSSER, C.N.R.S./MCC).

Her research work focus on genealogy and sociology of housing and on the analysis of contemporary trends in the architecture of housing.

She participated in the 2nd Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2010 invited by Ana Vaz Milheiro.

She is working now on « L’habitabilité des territoires » for the CNRS with the team of ACS she run, working on « the Grand Paris » with MVRDV.

Her published work includes:

  • Penser l'habiter. Mardaga, 1988, (with A.-M. Châtelet et T. Mandoul);

  • Architectures de la vie privée; maisons et mentalités. XVIIe-XIXe s. AAM, 1989 (with A. Debarre);

  • L'invention de l'habitation moderne : Paris, 1880-1914.  AAM/Hazan, 1995, (with A. Debarre);

  • Entre voisins. Dispositif architectural et mixité sociale.  Edition de l'Epure, 2000 (with Jean-Louis Violeau).

  • Vu de l'intérieur. Habiter un immeuble en Ile de France (1945-2010). (co-author

  • Sabri Bendimérad with articles of Thierry Roze and Lionel Engrand).

  • Entre confort, désir et normes. Le logement contemporain,1995-2010. Mardaga (with Philippe Simon).

  • Les 101 mots de l’habitat à l’usage de tous. Ed. Archibooks, 2014


  20-22 May 2015

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